Friday, May 20, 2011

GoT Primer - Episode 4 - "The Baratheons & the Stormlands"

There's been a lot of excitement for the new TV series on HBO, and we here at Fully Integrated Geeks have been trying to think of content we can provide new fans of the franchise. We're going to record mini-podcasts that provide some of the depth and details that can't or won't make it into the TV show. These are bits of history, geography, and legend that careful readers of the books have been able to pick up over the last 15 years. One final, very important note: these Primers are not full of spoilers. We won't be discussing anything that happens once the books begin, and we won't be discussing any "secrets" that are revealed during the course of the books. We're only interested in helping you fill-out your knowledge of the lush world George R.R. Martin has created for the Game of Thrones.


In Episode 4, we cover House Baratheon and their domain, the Stormlands.  What gave Robert the right to the throne?  How did he come to power?  Why is his family referred to as the Storm Lords?

GoT Primer - Episode 4 - "The Baratheons & the Stormlands"

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