Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great suggestions for the Wonder Woman TV series

I mentioned this briefly on Episode 2, but I couldn't remember where I had read it. It's from WIRED's blog "Underwire", and the story is titled "10 Mandates for a Kick-@ss Wonder Woman TV Show".

Here's a sample:

7. Don’t pick a short, scrawny actress. Whoever plays Wonder Woman must be built like a warrior, but still hot enough to ensnare drooling fanboys, who can’t abide a female superhero who isn’t a sex object. Think Xena plus Alias, and you’re partly there. As Gina Torres, who starred in Firefly and Alias, infamously explained, “There are no skinny b*tches in superhero land.” (Torres would be great for the role, by the way.)

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